Dave Beeton Flight Deck southbound March 82 - Perry Mason, Steve Allwood, Ian Atkinson, Johnno & John Dobson (one of our lost colleagues), March 1982HMS Coventry in Gibraltar harbour from the top of the rock undergoing engine maintenance prior to the trip southwards, 1982Hands to bathe on the equator on the journey southwards, 1982Eric the Tiffy with false tatoos, March 1982Flight deck games - Steve Allwood trying to fly, March 1982Flight deck games, March 1982Flight deck spectators Pete Drummond and Ray Galeozzie, March 1982Me and Neil Herriott having a light hearted sporting disagreement, March 1982More flight deck spectators - think they are Sticky Leach, Ray Galeozzie, ?, ?, Steve Allwood & Pete Drummond maybe, March 1982John Woodhouse & Neil Herriott station leave in Portugal, September 1981Me at morning stand easy, middle watches never did me any good!Me in relaxed ceremonial on entering Lisbon, September 1981Me on returning back from the South Atlantic, June 1982QE2 returning to Southampton in June 1982 with ships companies from Antelope, Ardent and Coventry, with Queen Mum waving, June 1982Shore connection box minor fire damage, sorry guys forgotten your names, review the damageNeil Herriott (LHOM) & Barry Wakefield assisting greet officer of the day for rounds, Christmas 1981Me receiving my South Atlantic medal at HMS Northwood from the skipper some time in 1982A studious LWEM(R) Tilbury with John Woodhouse just in shot tooThree of the 3P Messdeck 'marrows' on station leave in Portugal's Algarve (me, John Woodhouse and Neil Herriott), September 1981Tills and Neil Herriott giving Barry Wakefield a nutty searchTommy Cooper having one of his moments like only he couldCoventry's 'Tug of War Team' in Kiel. Elli, Stevie Stevenson, Bomber, Simon Rouse, Johnno, Tills, Clubs, ?, 1981More of the Tug of War team - Simon Rouse, Bomber, Elli, Stevie Stevenson, Tills, ?, Johnno, 1981Flight deck spectators - not sure of namesJohn Lee, Russian sub surfaces I believe during SNFL in the Atlantic, 1981Marcel Le Clerc dressed to impress and with teddy, all for a joke we hope!Coventry's tug of war team get into action finally, Kiel, 1981Skipper and Lord Mayor of Coventry following the service in Coventry to commemorate the ship and crew lost in the South Atlantic