2296 entries.
Shipmates, it is with great sadness I have been asked to inform our D118 family that our dearest shipmate Derek Kimber crossed the bar yesterday. Derek was a stalwart onboard COVENTRY and indeed in the years since 25 May 82 he continued to play a major role within our community. He will be sorely missed. ??
(Any further details re funeral will be made known as and when the family request it.)
Chris H - Chairman
Shipmates et al
Although a long way off to our gathering next year, but as I have been asked in past days about intentions for May 2025, here you go:
Answer - Due to several very valid reasons (health, travel, expense etc) it was decided quite unaminously at this year's gathering, to hold all future Reunions in Portsmouth, so future itinerary same as this year. Next year will be Sat 24 May 2025. I will place a new dit for 2025 in due course, please check this website and/or FB pages now and again for any updates. Thank you and take care.
Yours aye - Chairman
It is with great sadness that I have to announce that Jerry Hardy has passed away. He died after a short illness on the 21st August 2024. No further information is presently known.
RIP Jerry
Remembering Stephen Dawson.
Thinking of you and all shipmates.
Forever in our thoughts and hearts.
Dear shipmates, families and friends, it is that time again when I ask that you start to let me know by email (cahowe500@gmail.com) if you are attending this years Remembrance and Reunion on Sat 25 May 2024.
All the details have been posted up on the Reunion Tab (https://www.hmscoventry.co.uk/d118/reunion/) on the HMS COVENTRY D118 website for around 6 months now so I am assuming you are all aware of the usual itinerary. Muster Still and West around 1645 and we will march off around 1735 or so.
I will need full names of any quests you are bringing as I need to make the main gate at HMS EXCELLENT aware, and of course for catering purposes in the GIs Ass.
I look forward to seeing many of you again on 25th May, please bring a raffle donation if you are able to do so, thank you. I do have a couple of very nice auction items which I have managed to obtain, so hoping we can raise some funds to keep us going as there is no charge for attending.
Yours aye - Chris Howe MBE - Chairman
Just had a look at the website after many years and a read through the guest book. Good to see so many familiar names of friends and shipmates. Thinking of you all and those still on patrol. Woody
Hi Andrew hope you are well. I remember the bike ride to Coventry well for the wrong reasons. I had just completed the inter service marathon with PTI john Haynes. I thought it would be a piece of cake after that. WRONG it was a nightmare my backside felt like it had been stung by a thousand wasps.
Happy days. Get my old pension next year seems only yesterday we were in 2Q Stbd.
During the next couple of months I am doing some presentations on 'The Coventry Story' for the RNA. The presentations are about Coventry Cathedral, Coventry Reconiclliation Ministry, and the Cross of Nails. There is reference to D118, but this is in the context of the relationship with Coventry and the Cross of Nails. As one who wasn't with you in May 82 I wouldn't presume to tell the ships story - that is your story to tell not mine. See you in the Still & West next May, Martin
Mick Braid ,,, I remember the bike ride from Pompey to Coventry. I think it was around April, 1979 and was to raise money to buy a canal boat for a group who ran holidays for disadvantaged kids
Shipmates et al, following the service of remembrance on Sat 27 May, at the Holy Trinity Church in Coventry, many asked me on Sat evening at the reunion (and since) for a copy of my poem which was read during the service. Having been humbled once again by so much positive feedback and by so many emotional comments, I have decided to create a small memorial booklet with all 5 of the poems I have written since 2019 in memory of our shipmates left on patrol.
After a few wets and dits on Sat I cannot remember all those who asked for a copy, so if anyone would like a soft copy of this new booklet, which includes this years, you are most welcome, just email me requesting a copy, dont PM as I dont always see it for days!
I hope you get the same comfort from my words as I have in the writing of them, take care everyone and hope to see many of you next year in Portsmouth on Saturday 25th May 2024, we will follow the usual routine for Pompey.
Yours aye - Chairman
Remembering a dear son and brother, Stephen Dawson.Thinking of you and all of your shipmates .
Shipmates all. Will be conducting โup spiritsโ across Valletta Harbour this evening, whilst remembering with deepest sorrow, those still on patrol.
Yours Aye.
Well as the 25 May approaches I would just like to say that my thoughts are with the lads still on watch. Its funny this year, I find myself currently working onboard Cunards Queen Elizabeth for this years anniversary. It is an honour to be here but my thoughts go back to the QE2 all those years ago. I will raise a glass or 2 for them all tomorrow night.
Hi All
The photograph (Ian Luff) Stokers on QE2, back row second from left is Martin Cook, I joined HMS Coventry just before Springtrain 17 year old at the time. First ship apart from a loan draft to HMS Beachampton (Hong Kong).
Best Regards
Dear shipmates, families and friends of D118, as many of you will now have seen the agenda and details for this year's annual Service of Rememberance and Reunion (if not its been here since Nov 2022 - https://www.hmscoventry.co.uk/d118/reunion/)
I now need to ask you to confirm to me, by email only please, (cahowe500@gmail.com) that you will be attending and details of any guests you may have with you. I do need this information for catering purposes and logistics of service sheet printing etc all a cost for the D118 Association. Hopefully, the generous raffle prizes we all donate and anything raised in the auction will cover our costs as usual.
As you will have seen we will once again be using the Holy Trinity Church in Coventry Citry centre but the Reunion after will be held at a new location, namely, the Albany Club, just a short taxi ride from the Church.
Finally, should anyone have any questions about this years gathering then please do not hesitate to contact me direct 07786 156763.
Take care and hope to see many of my old shipmates and families on Saturday May 27 2023, muster at the usual location for parade to Church.
Yours aye - Chris Howe MBE - Chairman
Still clearing out the loft amazing what you accumulate. I found a light blue scarf with bikes on and about 25 names on it of the mad gits who cycled from Pompey to Coventry. Can't remember the date of the ride though.
I thought I had better clear out my loft before I cross the bar to save my kids ditching it all? I came across a commemorative Coventry evening telegraph extra of about 8 pages detailing the commissioning of Coventry. Youngest rating who cut the cake with Mrs Burne was JMEM Graham Daniels. I also come across an brass ashtray of a 4.5 shell from HMS Coventry first firings 18th July 1978 donated to me by Captain Burne's widow.
โCov Weekend Shenanigansโ Dear Shipmates, Families, Friends, Due to the Main event taking place in the City of Coventry this year it gives me great pleasure to announce that the next "Portsmouth "HMS COVENTRY D118 Locals-Reunion/Remembrance weekend will take place Friday 26th May 2023 till Mon 29th May 2023, late May Bank Holiday.
Friday 26th May 2023 - Commencement with a "Meet & Greet" from 1200Hrs in Ruby's (Royal Standard) which in turn will lead to the usual late nite Curry & Cobra beer extravaganza.
Saturday 27th May 2023 - Starts with a Dinner-Time Sesh starting at the Park Tavern/Ruby's (Type 42 Club-house) All to be Fell-in by 1230hrs Divisions, Ladies may/will Slip and proceed to Commercial Road for their usual Shopping extravaganza, or they may wish to partake in the Libations. EVENING:- This is a make it your own thing night, with Ship's Company able to do whatever they wish.
Sunday 28th May 2023 - The Service of Remembrance will take place at the Falklands Memorial at the "Hot Walls" at Old Portsmouth. Dress Code - Smart and/or Casual, "Come as you are/Feel" 1055 - Muster 1100 - Service of Remembrance Sequence of Events - Address, Roll of Honour, Wreath Laying-up, Parting Address. This will be followed by our usual return to the Ponderosa (Home Club/Royal Maritime Club) for a few Libations and Dits. Ship's Company will then be able to Slip & Proceed to their destinations.
There is nothing of note planned for the Monday 29th May 2023..
THE ABOVE ITENARY IS PLANNED, TO WHICH, AS ALWAYS, YOU CAN JOIN IN AS MUCH OR AS LITTLE AS YOU WOULD LIKE. If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact me 07907-822-024. Thanks in advance.
Yours Aye
Jack Russell
"Fortis Fert Securitatum". Strength Guarantees Safety.
Shipmates, families and friends of D118, I have now finalised our plans for the 2023 service of remembrance/reunion which will take place on the evening of Sat 27 May 2023 in Coventry. The full itinerary will be placed under the reunion tab shortly but has already been updloaded to both FB pages. Please take time to read it and consider joining us. At some stage in good time prior to the event I will need an indication of attendance for catering purposes, so any time from April to early May please send me an email, not PM, to let me know if joining us. Meanwhile, I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, stay safe shipmates and see you in 2023.
Yours aye - Chairman
Can anyone local help at these services:
Dear Craig,
I undertake the wreath marshalling at Harrowโs Civic Remembrance Service each year. I would like to offer the opportunity for Op Corporate Veterans to lay the first wreath this year. Can you please ask anyone within your catchment area if they can contact me.
On a separate note the Harrow Branch of the RBL are sponsoring a wreath to be laid in memory of CPO David Strickland. Is the HMS Coventry crest available as a wreath centre? It would be fabulous if an Assn member could lay it in his memory.
Terry Hissey